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Vaccine Injunction
We are calling for an injunction to pause to the vaccine rollout to due to multiple questions we have
1 - Why are so many people suffering adverse events and death after COVID-19 vaccinations?
2 - Why are so many of our fittest sportspeople collapsing and suffering myocarditis, heart attacks and death post-vaccination?
3 - Why have the vaccine manufacturers withheld ingredients? Undisclosed ingredients are illegal and involve the deception of the public
4 - Why have independent scientific reports of Graphene Oxide and other contaminants not been publically investigated?
5 - Why are the batches of the vaccine clearly different? As per VAERS data, 100% of all adverse reactions can be attributed to 5% of the batches. This clearly indicates suspect manufacturing
Would you like to help in the push to pause the rollout?
If so, chose from one of these two petitions

Have you been injured by a C19 Vaccine?
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A History of Electricity and Life < Back THE INVISIBLE RAINBOW A History of Electricity and Life SHOP Arthur Firstenberg 5g is being rolled out across the country, despite growing evidence that it is disruptive to our health, our safety, and the environment. The Invisible Rainbow is the groundbreaking story of electricity as it’s never been told before—exposing its very real impact on the biosphere and human health. Over the last 220 years, society has evolved a universal belief that electricity is ‘safe’ for humanity and the planet. Scientist and journalist Arthur Firstenberg disrupts this conviction by telling the story of electricity in a way it has never been told before—from an environmental point of view—by detailing the effects that this fundamental societal building block has had on our health and our planet. In The Invisible Rainbow, Firstenberg traces the history of electricity from the early eighteenth century to the present, making a compelling case that many environmental problems, as well as the major diseases of industrialized civilization—heart disease, diabetes, and cancer—are related to electrical pollution. "Few individuals today are able to grasp the entirety of a scientific subject and present it in a highly engaging manner . . . Firstenberg has done just that with one of the most pressing but neglected problems of our technological age."—BRADLEY JOHNSON,MD, Amen Clinic, San Francisco Previous SHOP Next REVIEWS 'The Invisible Rainbow is wonderful. Firstenberg has done his research thoroughly. His book is easily readable and provocative while being entertaining. A remarkable contribution.' --David O. Carpenter, MD, director, Institute for Health and the Environment, School of Public Health, State University of New York at Albany 'Few individuals today are able to grasp the entirety of a scientific subject and present it in a highly engaging manner, in plain English, without losing any of the details. In The Invisible Rainbow, Firstenberg has done just that with one of the most pressing but neglected problems of our technological age. This book, which as a medical doctor I found hard to put down, explores the relationship between electricity and life from beginning to end: from the early eighteenth century to today, and from the point of view of the physician, the physicist, and the average person in the street. Firstenberg makes a compelling case that the major diseases of civilization--heart disease, diabetes, and cancer--are in large part related to the pollution of our world by electricity.' --Bradley Johnson, MD, Amen Clinic, San Francisco 'Firstenberg is a pioneer in the sense that Rachel Carson was a pioneer.' --Chellis Glendinning, PhD, author of When Technology Wounds 'I found it to be a mystery unfolding and could not put it down. It shines a new light on diseases that come from electrical development, and addresses current environmental crises that only a few yet realize are the consequence of electrosmog. This book is very, very important.' --Sandy Ross, PhD, president, Health and Habitat, Inc. 'I was stunned by this book. It is an extremely valuable document about an increasingly widespread environmental health risk to which we are all exposed. I am overwhelmed with admiration for what Firstenberg has accomplished.' --William E. Morton, MD, DrPH, professor emeritus, Oregon Health Sciences University --This text refers to the paperback edition. Previous SHOP Next
fba1b5ea-e970-4f1d-9ed6-88142e937f9d HALT THE VACCINE ROLL OUT ACTION Item Title Item Title This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More Item Title Item Title This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More Item Title Item Title This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More
- Template letter: Letter for a hospital worker looking to decline Covid tests and vaccinations
Miri AF is a site that brings various pieces of writing; letters, articles, commentaries and campaigns together. Their speciality is strongly worded letters. You can download their letter here: < Back Template letter: Letter for a hospital worker looking to decline Covid tests and vaccinations Miri AF is a site that brings various pieces of writing; letters, articles, commentaries and campaigns together. Their speciality is strongly worded letters. You can download their letter here: Download the Document Source: https://miriaf.co.uk/letter-for-a-hospital-worker-wishing-to-decline-covid-tests-and-vaccinations/ Previous Next
- C19 VACCINE SURVEY | Not On The Beeb
Have you suffered adverse reactions from a C19 vaccine? This independent study is collecting data and sharing your story would be greatly appreciated. Please also use MHRA Yellow card system. Report C19 Vaccine Adverse events In these times of Pandemic, when the emergency situation has caused medical products to be released at 'warp speed', the gathering of data and personal stories is crucial for clarity as we go forwards. This is an independent survey for 'Not On The Beeb ' without any connections to Government, NHS, industry or manufacturers. The survey is backed by doctor's groups including Doctor's For Covid Ethics. Our privacy policy is here: Survey Privacy Policy If you have any questions, queries, or would just like to say hello, please feel free to contact us directly. After completing the survey, you will receive an email with information and links that we hope you will find of interest and use. The email sign-up is that we can send you further info and the survey results. If you wish to remain anonymous click here. GO TO SURVEY
- Declining child school swab test | Not On The Beeb
LETTER TO DECLINE CHILD HAVING C19 TEST Coronavirus Testing in Schools and Parental Consent. Parental consent is still needed, just like with any medical intervention. Consent has published a template letter for parents wishing to decline Mass testing is not supported by evidence and not recommended by the World Health Organisation, the UK’s national screening committee, MHRA or SAGE CREDIT CONSENT Download REFUSAL template letter Or copy & paste & adapt this text below Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to inform you that I do not give my consent for (XXX) to have the SARS-CoV-2 Lateral Flow or PCR tests. I would like to share important reasons why I am not consenting. I do appreciate that this has been presented as an important way of reducing transmission of Covid in schools and I support these aims. I would like to reassure you that if (XXX) did become symptomatic, we would inform you immediately and not attend school. The rationale for mass testing in schools, however, is not backed by evidence. Asymptomatic spread in children isn’t clear to start with and the tests are highly unreliable. For example, the Liverpool pilot showed that the lateral flow tests missed half of Covid 19 cases otherwise picked up by PCR. I’m also concerned that the MHRA, UK National screening Committee, WHO or SAGE have not endorsed mass screening of asymptomatic persons. Professor Allyson Pollock, Clinical Professor of Public Health has called for mass testing to be scrapped. I am therefore considering the impact this intervention will have on my family and the potential risk, even if rare, to XXX’s health. There are risks with any test. PCR tests require a swab deep into the nasal cavity with a potential to harm the olfactory bulb that helps with sense of smell. Furthermore, several UK contracts of Covid tests have had to be recalled due to either contamination with Covid or because they were not sterile. Repeating these tests regularly, in the way schools are required, increases any potential risk, even though the jury is still out for lateral flow tests. Both tests are meant for testing people with symptoms. Once millions of asymptomatic children get tested at random, most positive cases become false positives, which means our whole family will have to isolate unnecessarily. For reasons of mental health and financial strain, our family will not be able to sustain another full isolation lockdown. Although young people over the age of 16 can apparently self-consent, it is not usual practice for Gillick competence to be applied to experimental procedures. According to Prof. Deeks, leader of the Cochrane Collaboration’s covid-19 test evaluation, the lateral flow tests are being used off label, that is, for a purpose they weren’t designed or approved for. Even if I, as a parent, or an older student by themselves, consented to the tests, it is hard to see how this could be valid in law, seeing that such consent has to be given freely, without pressure or undue influence, and after receiving all relevant information. Many thanks indeed for considering my points and noting our non-consent for XXX. References and further information: https://www.ukmedfreedom.org/resources/open-letters https://usforthem.co.uk/evidence/transmission-evidence/ https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4744 https://www.standard.co.uk/news/health/coronavirus-swab-test-womans-nose-brain-leaked-a4562066.html https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/03/30/uks-attempt-ramp-coronavirus-testing-hindered-key-components/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-53705229 https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4851 https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4436 https://www.bmj.com/content/371/bmj.m4469 Dear Sir/Madam I am writing to inform you that I do not give my consent for (XXX) to have the SARS-CoV-2 Lateral Flow or PCR tests without further information. I am not aware of good evidence for mass asymptomatic testing in schools, so please share with me anything to the contrary. Could you also assure me that there is no risk of harm, either due to injury or contamination, or else let me have any relevant information? Many thanks Informed Consent Is your right to medical freedom being respected Play Video Facebook Twitter Pinterest Tumblr Copy Link Link Copied
- Template letter - Notice of Liability/Legal Template Letter from Parents to Heads and Local Authorities regarding Face Masks in Classrooms
Laworfiction is a website for ordinary citizens, including lawyers, to understand their rights and how they have been affected, or not, as a result of the UK government’s response to Covid-19. You can download their template letter here: < Back Template letter - Notice of Liability/Legal Template Letter from Parents to Heads and Local Authorities regarding Face Masks in Classrooms Laworfiction is a website for ordinary citizens, including lawyers, to understand their rights and how they have been affected, or not, as a result of the UK government’s response to Covid-19. You can download their template letter here: Download the Document Source: https://www.ukmedfreedom.org/resources/template-letters Previous Next
- Information Booklet - State Intervention
“Consent” is an English charity helping people to deal with issues of consent and helping to ensuring that the healthcare decisions of parents are respected. You can download their booklet on this topic here: < Back Information Booklet - State Intervention “Consent” is an English charity helping people to deal with issues of consent and helping to ensuring that the healthcare decisions of parents are respected. You can download their booklet on this topic here: Download the Document Source: https://consent-charity.org.uk/parental-healthcare-decisions-and-state-intervention/ Previous Next
Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History < Back DISSOLVING ILLUSSIONS Disease, Vaccines, and The Forgotten History SHOP Suzanne Humphries MD Every single GP, medical professional and parent thinking about vaccinating their child desperately needs to read this. It provides thoroughly researched, scientifically accurate and interesting background information, dispelling convincingly and authoritatively, the official account of the role and safety of vaccines. Without the information in this book it is really not... tbc Not too long ago, lethal infections were feared in the Western world. Since that time, many countries have undergone a transformation from disease cesspools to much safer, healthier habitats. Starting in the mid-1800s, there was a steady drop in deaths from all infectious diseases, decreasing to relatively minor levels by the early 1900s. The history of that transformation involves famine, poverty, filth, lost cures, eugenicist doctrine, individual freedoms versus state might, protests and arrests over vaccine refusal, and much more.Today, we are told that medical interventions increased our lifespan and single-handedly prevented masses of deaths. But is this really true?Dissolving Illusions details facts and figures from long-overlooked medical journals, books, newspapers, and other sources. Using myth-shattering graphs, this book shows that vaccines, antibiotics, and other medical interventions are not responsible for the increase in lifespan and the decline in mortality from infectious diseases. If the medical profession could systematically misinterpret and ignore key historical information, the question must be asked, “What else is ignored and misinterpreted today?”Perhaps the best reason to know our history is so that the worst parts are never repeated. Previous SHOP Next REVIEWS Now in my 70s I have believed in the value of the prevailing medical culture as espoused by the NHS, doctors and Government. But not any more. It was after having a rabies vaccination that made me so ill for a month that I nearly had to cancel my holiday to Sri Lanka that prompted me to research vaccinations. This book is a fantastic contribution to my knowledge. Exquisitely researched the references are conveniently at the bottom of each page on which they are mentioned. The conclusion the reader is led to is that vaccinations are to be avoided. The pharmaceutical industry have squeezed out natural remedies for infections that herbalists etc have used effectively for centuries. The global human damage caused by vaccinations is a crime against humanity, no less and this book expertly makes its case. I couldn't put the book down. Previous SHOP Next
- SUPPLEMENTS | Not On The Beeb
SUPPLEMENTS GLUTATHIONE BLACK SEED OILS OREGANO OILS IMPORTANT OILS WATER DISTILLERS FREE SINUOREGA SUPPLEMENTS WE NEED FOR 2025 https://www.mamma-nature.co.uk/ Boosting the immune system, detoxing and healing from conditions manmade or natural. Natural anti-virals These products are not here on a whim. If you are reading this you know our work and intentions. The products have all been tried and tested and are highly recommended. We use these products and give them our families and friends. We've been using North American Herb and Spice oils for 8 years - they are exceptional. NORTH AMERICAN HERB & SPICE It is rare when a company puts pure quality and the values of natural medicine before profit. These are unique products tried and tested over 8 years. "Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food" Highly recommended. 150 + stunning products BLACK SEED OIL In a study conducted by Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College in India, researchers determined just how potent black seed oil is against some of these superbugs and paired it against several antibiotics, such as Amoxicillin, Gatifloxacin and Tetracycline. Read our full article here BLACK SEED VITAMIN C A very important antioxidant. Use to detox from everything including ingredients that should not be in pharma products. Buy pure Vit C powder on Amazon by the kilo. Or buy food supplements designed to be high content. Shop on Mamma-Nature.co.uk If we have enough glutathione. our body can recycle VIT C. Few of us have enough glutathione. See the NOTB glutathione interview here . FOOD SOURCE VIT C ZINC It has an intricate function during an immune response because it helps the body return to homeostasis. It is often taken as a natural over-the-counter remedy for fighting the common cold, flu symptoms, etc. When taken for at least five months, it may reduce your risk of becoming sick with the common cold — plus supplementing once you already feel sick may speed up the healing process.. (Great in combination with Quercitin ) Buy zinc cheaply on Amazon here or buy a premium food source here on Mamma-Nature.co.uk ZINC B VITAMINS There is nothing in this world like Purely-B. The world's only truly whole food B complex powder free of all petrochemical derivatives. FOOD SOURCE MULTI VIT B VITAMIN D3 + K2 With over 300 functions this vitamin is recognised as being closer to a hormone than a vitamin. This bottle contains two essential and complementary vitamins for the immune system in one simple format. No tablets, capsules or soft gels to swallow. Each serving (4 drops) contains a high dose of vitamin D3 (4000 IU) and vitamin K2 MK-7 (25mcg). This 30ml bottle contains 600 drops, 150 servings, a 5-month supply. Under perfect sunlight conditions, the human body is able to produce as much as 10,000 IU to 20,000 IU of vitamin D3 in just 30 minutes. This gives an idea of the doses we should be taking during the seasonal low light months. 1 drop is equivalent to 1,000 iu 4 drops give the suggested standard daily intake of 4,000 iu VIT D3 & K2 VITAMIN D - Food source Vitamin D -- specifically the form D3 -- is the only vitamin your body makes itself. To make it we need cholesterol and light. It's fat-soluble, which means your body stores vitamin D in its adipose tissue -- in its fat. With over. 300 functions Vit D3 is really a hormone.. The human body is able to produce as much as 10,000 IU to 20,000 IU of vitamin D3 in just 30 minutes. This gives an idea of the importance of Vit D3 and tb need to supplement in low light siuations. Buy on conecntarted drops on Amazon or for a premium product buy natural food source on Mamma-Nature.co.uk FOOD SOURCE VIT D THE BEST WAY TO DETOX - GULTATHIONE PRECURSORS Pure Glutathione gets destroyed in the digestive tract. NAC becomes toxic. Don't use this pharma product! The secret is letting the immune system make its own glutathione by supplying it with natural bioavailable precursors. Yes, via a food. . LEARN MORE OREGANO OIL Oregano oil has proven to be a powerful, plant-derived essential oil that may rival antibiotics when it comes to treating or preventing various infections. In fact, it contains properties that are antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal. OREGANO PRODUCTS CLOVE OIL Fighting inflammation and acting as an antioxidant, eugenol (key natural component of clove oil) also acts as a natural germicide due to its antimicrobial properties. Research has shown that clove buds have immunostimulatory activities that can help promote immune response mechanisms. CLOVE CINNAMON OIL According to research, the list of cinnamon benefits is long. Cinnamon is known to possess antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, anti-diabetic, anti-high blood pressure and anticancer properties. It can also help to fend off heart disease, high cholesterol and neurological health disorders, like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease . CINNAMON ROSEMARY OIL Rosemary produced a significant enhancement of performance for overall quality of memory and secondary memory factors. Rosemary helped people become more alert. Studies have also known that rosemary essential oil may help treat and prevent Alzheimer’s disease (AD). SHOP WITH MAMMA NATURE QUERCETIN & BROMELAIN Enzyme and antioxidant flavonoid to support healthy respiratory function Supports healthy seasonal immune system function. Best taken with z inc SHOP ON AMAZON Supplements Germ-a-Clenz Price £24.99 New Chag-O-Charge Price £24.99 New Cholestamin Price £32.99 OregaFRESH Price £12.99 Car-o-Power Price £14.99 ChagaBoost Price £17.99 Elder C Powder Price £39.99 NEW ARRIVAL PurelyMin - Magnesium Price £32.99 New Black Seed Oil Price From £28.99 Health Bac Price £42.99 New ActiFem Price £32.99 New Ashadrene Capsules Price £24.99 New Shampoo - ScalpClenz Black Seed Oil-Enhanced Price £18.99 New Oregulin Gelcaps Price £49.99 New PaineeZ Rub Price £25.99 New PaineeZ Spray Price £19.99 New Pine Power Plus Price £34.99 New PolarPower Price £29.99 New PolarPower Oil Price £33.99 New PomaMAX Price £17.99 New PropaHeal (Propolis) Price £24.99 Male reproductive health ProstaClenz (Prostate support) Price £32.99 New Pumpkinol Price £31.99 New Purely Pak – Whole Food Vitamin System Price From £41.99 Load More
MAGNETISM STOP THE VACCINE ROLL OUT FREEDOM AS NEW RELIGION LETTER TEMPLATES 3 DAYS OF SPRING EQUINOX 21 MRI WARNING CALL TO UK PARLIAMENT LEGAL - REPORT V-DAMAGE ADVERSE EVENT REPORTING ACTION MAGNETISM MAGNETISM NOTB Investigates Vaccine Induced Magnetism under the spotlight MAGNETISM STOP THE VACCINE ROLL OUT STOP THE VACCINE ROLL OUT Petition requesting urgent investigation and analysis of the C19 Vaccines The people of Britain (and the world) request the British police seize multiple sample vials of the C19 vaccines and conduct an immediate open, independent and detailed analysis of the contents. STOP THE VACCINE ROLL OUT FREEDOM AS NEW RELIGION FREEDOM AS NEW RELIGION Census campaign 2021 If 360k entered 'Jedi' in 2001 (mostly as a joke) then surely in time of international tyranny we can break the 250k mark and get our voices heard? FREEDOM AS NEW RELIGION LETTER TEMPLATES LETTER TEMPLATES Campaigning via letters Multiple letter templates to use or adapt LETTER TEMPLATES 3 DAYS OF SPRING EQUINOX 21 3 DAYS OF SPRING EQUINOX 21 Powerful days to create change MASS MEDITATION The power of peace-creating mass meditation to decrease warfare and terrorism has been tested repeatedly. 3 DAYS OF SPRING EQUINOX 21 MRI WARNING MRI WARNING We believe MRI scans are causing serious injuries including paralysis in Covid-19 vaccinated patients. Patients are showing clear signs of having magnetised particles within them post-vaccination. MRI WARNING CALL TO UK PARLIAMENT CALL TO UK PARLIAMENT Application for a government petition Calling for a debate in parliament CALL TO UK PARLIAMENT LEGAL - REPORT V-DAMAGE LEGAL - REPORT V-DAMAGE Witness statement for Police investigation The hypothesis is that magnetised lipid nanoparticles within the patient migrate under the huge magnetic fields used within an MRI causing damage on a nanoscale equivalent to multiple shrapnel wounds. LEGAL - REPORT V-DAMAGE ADVERSE EVENT REPORTING ADVERSE EVENT REPORTING Vaccine-induced magnetism is a serious issue If you have suffered an adverse reaction like MAGNETISM it is very important to report the situation so that experts have the data required for pattern recognition and to understand the risks involved. ADVERSE EVENT REPORTING
- 100 WORDS | Not On The Beeb
Promo Video T-shirts Ladies 100 Words Hoodies Mugs NOTB Brand Books 100 World Languages 4 Freedom Quick View Freedom Star - multisex Price £20.00 Quick View Shooting Freedom Star - Softspun Unisex t-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View 100 words for Freedom - Double sided Hoodie Price £35.00 Quick View Shooting Freedom Star - Softspun Unisex T-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View 100 words for Freedom - NOTB Soft-spun unisex T-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View Blue heart - Flowy Cropped T-Shirt Price £25.00 Quick View Love Freedom - Flowy Cropped T-Shirt Price £25.00 Quick View Love Freedom Heart Cropped Tee Price £20.00
7b7d52fa-feed-4f48-9b6f-da4a701a258e SURVEY - MAGNETISM ACTION Item Title Item Title This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More Item Title Item Title This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More Item Title Item Title This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More
- Template letter: Letter to Decline Mass Lateral Flow/PCR Testing of Schoolchildren
UK Medical Freedom Alliance are a group of UK medical professionals, scientists and lawyers and have written this template letter for parents to edit and personalise and send to schools, to decline Covid-19 testing for their children. < Back Template letter: Letter to Decline Mass Lateral Flow/PCR Testing of Schoolchildren UK Medical Freedom Alliance are a group of UK medical professionals, scientists and lawyers and have written this template letter for parents to edit and personalise and send to schools, to decline Covid-19 testing for their children. Download the Document Source:https://www.ukmedfreedom.org/resources/template-letters Previous Next
< Back VACCINATION - THE HIDDEN FACTS SHOP Ian Sinclair About this product Product Identifiers PublisherDesign One Publications, Ian Sinclair ISBN-139780646088129 eBay Product ID (ePID)96207027 Product Key Features Publication NameVaccination: the Hidden Facts: the Hidden Facts FormatBook LanguageEnglish Publication Year1997 AuthorIan Sinclair Number of Pages108 Pages Additional Product Features Title_AuthorIan Sinclair TopicPopular Medicine Country/Region of Manufacture: Australia Previous SHOP Next REVIEWS Previous SHOP Next
- Template letter: Letter to employer if you are exempt from wearing a face covering in a business NOT caught by statutory rules
Awakened World has been set up as a central hub to connect people and services. You may wish to use this letter if you are exempt from wearing a face covering and you work in a business which is not caught by the statutory rules compelling employers to ask their employees to wear the same. You can download their letter here: < Back Template letter: Letter to employer if you are exempt from wearing a face covering in a business NOT caught by statutory rules Awakened World has been set up as a central hub to connect people and services. You may wish to use this letter if you are exempt from wearing a face covering and you work in a business which is not caught by the statutory rules compelling employers to ask their employees to wear the same. You can download their letter here: Download the Document Source: https://awakenedworld.co.uk/template-letters/ Previous Next
af9ce6d2-d382-4889-bfc5-af44c93a2b5d LETTER TEMPLATES ACTION Item Title Item Title This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More Item Title Item Title This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More Item Title Item Title This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More
62e68243-bb58-49a4-84ce-2faae0233df7 SURVEY - ADVERSE EVENT ACTION Item Title Item Title This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More Item Title Item Title This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More Item Title Item Title This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. This is placeholder text. To connect this element to content from your collection, select the element and click Connect to Data. Read More
- Letter to Schools Regarding Covid-19 vaccinations
Independent Information is a website sharing resources for anyone interested in further study around the Covid-19 crisis. Their aim is to include factual information that is subject to ongoing review to ensure it's as accurate as possible and to take on board new data. < Back Letter to Schools Regarding Covid-19 vaccinations Independent Information is a website sharing resources for anyone interested in further study around the Covid-19 crisis. Their aim is to include factual information that is subject to ongoing review to ensure it's as accurate as possible and to take on board new data. Download the Document Source: https://www.independentinformation.co.uk/measures/vaccination/letter-for-schools Previous Next
9fd6b57a-b2db-494e-81d3-5d8931bee5b9 FILMS (BY NOTB)
- Template letter: Letter to employer to decline vaccination (NOT healthcare worker)
Awakened World has been set up as a central hub to connect people and services. You may wish to use this letter to decline any request by your employer for you to have a vaccine. You can download their letter here: < Back Template letter: Letter to employer to decline vaccination (NOT healthcare worker) Awakened World has been set up as a central hub to connect people and services. You may wish to use this letter to decline any request by your employer for you to have a vaccine. You can download their letter here: Download the Document Source: https://awakenedworld.co.uk/template-letters/ Previous Next
- Information Booklet - Parental healthcare decisions and how to deal with healthcare professionals
“Consent” is an English charity helping people to deal with issues of consent and helping to ensuring that the healthcare decisions of parents are respected. You can download their booklet on this topic here: < Back Information Booklet - Parental healthcare decisions and how to deal with healthcare professionals “Consent” is an English charity helping people to deal with issues of consent and helping to ensuring that the healthcare decisions of parents are respected. You can download their booklet on this topic here: Download the Document Source: https://consent-charity.org.uk/dealing-with-healthcare-professionals/ Previous Next
- T&C | Not On The Beeb
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- T-SHIRTS | Not On The Beeb
Promo Video T-shirts Ladies Freedom Hoodies Mugs NOTB merch Books NOTB clothing Protest clothing by Not On The Beeb. If you'd like to buy in quantity, or have small runs printed contact us If you'd like different styles or sizes contact us If you'd like to be an affiliate and earn a little commission promoting our tops contact us Quick View Unafraid Unisex T-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View Language of freedom Price £20.00 Quick View Unvaccinated is the New Sexy - unisex lightweight T Price £20.00 Quick View Smile of Freedom - yellow Price £24.00 Quick View Not On The Beeb unisex t-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View Not On The Beeb - unisex t-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View Freedom Star - multisex Price £20.00 Quick View Freedom Lover - Unisex t-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View Not On The Beeb - unisex t-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View Double Sided Smiles (front & rear print) Price £25.00 Quick View Double sided Freedom Smiles T-shirt (front & back printed) Price £25.00 Quick View Golden Smiles - Soft unisex t-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View Smile! - available in many colours Price £20.00 Quick View Freedom Smiles - in many colours Price £20.00 Quick View Many smiles - choose from many colours Price £20.00 Quick View Smiles of Freedom (many colours) Price £20.00 Special Freedom Discount Quick View Smile - in freedom yellow unisex T-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View Shooting Freedom Star - Softspun Unisex t-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View Black and White Freedom Smiles Price £20.00 Quick View Freedom for the Kingdom Price £20.00 Quick View Shooting Freedom Star - Softspun Unisex T-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View Unvaccinated the New Sexy Price From £20.00 Quick View 100 words for Freedom - NOTB Soft-spun unisex T-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View Smiles of Freedom - Flowy Cropped T-Shirt Price £25.00 Quick View Blue heart - Flowy Cropped T-Shirt Price £25.00 Quick View Love Freedom - Flowy Cropped T-Shirt Price £25.00 Quick View Love Freedom Heart Cropped Tee Price £20.00 Quick View Smile Price £20.00 Quick View Smiles of Freedom Price £20.00 Quick View Freedom Smiles Unisex T-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View Scoop neck Freedom Smiles Organic Cotton Top Price £25.00 MORE HERE >>> Quick View Unafraid Unisex T-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View Unvaccinated is the New Sexy - unisex lightweight T Price £20.00 Quick View Freedom Star - multisex Price £20.00 Quick View Not On The Beeb - unisex t-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View Not On The Beeb - unisex t-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View Double Sided Smiles (front & rear print) Price £25.00 Quick View Double sided Freedom Smiles T-shirt (front & back printed) Price £25.00 Quick View Golden Smiles - Soft unisex t-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View Smile! - available in many colours Price £20.00 Quick View Freedom Smiles - in many colours Price £20.00 Quick View Smiles of Freedom (many colours) Price £20.00 Special Freedom Discount Quick View Smile - in freedom yellow unisex T-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View Shooting Freedom Star - Softspun Unisex t-shirt Price £20.00 Quick View Black and White Freedom Smiles Price £20.00 Quick View Unafraid Hoodie Price £30.00 Quick View Smiles Hoodie Price £30.00 Quick View Language of freedom Price £20.00 Quick View Smiles of Freedom - Flowy Cropped T-Shirt Price £25.00 Quick View Freedom Hoodie Price £30.00 Quick View Love Freedom - Flowy Cropped T-Shirt Price £25.00 Quick View Love Freedom Heart Cropped Tee Price £20.00 Quick View Smile Price £20.00 Quick View Smiles of Freedom Price £20.00 Quick View Freedom Smiles Unisex T-shirt Price £20.00 Load More
- MAGNETISM | Not On The Beeb
Since the start of time, no plant, animal or human has ever been magnetic. Since the vaccination rollout, people are now showing clear and proven magnetic properties. Vaccine Induced Magnetism Since the start of time, no plant, animal or human has ever been magnetic. Since the C19 vaccination rollout, people are now showing clear and proven magnetic properties. The implications of these findings prove we are witnessing a crime against humanity on an unprecedented scale. In our attempts to unravel this crime NOTB has: made several short films organised international people and expert petitions petitioned UK government suggested 7 Steps to create an explosion of public awareness are here. made an early public warning about the risk of MRI scans 7 SHORT FILMS 7 STEPS TO TAKE MRI WARNING
Ways to Support our work Thanks again for signing the petition. If you'd like to support the work, you can do one of the following :) Buy me a coffee Share Petition
MAGNETISM STOP THE VACCINE ROLL OUT FREEDOM AS NEW RELIGION LETTER TEMPLATES 3 DAYS OF SPRING EQUINOX 21 MRI WARNING CALL TO UK PARLIAMENT LEGAL - REPORT V-DAMAGE ADVERSE EVENT REPORTING ACTION MAGNETISM MAGNETISM NOTB Investigates Vaccine Induced Magnetism under the spotlight MAGNETISM STOP THE VACCINE ROLL OUT STOP THE VACCINE ROLL OUT Petition requesting urgent investigation and analysis of the C19 Vaccines The people of Britain (and the world) request the British police seize multiple sample vials of the C19 vaccines and conduct an immediate open, independent and detailed analysis of the contents. STOP THE VACCINE ROLL OUT FREEDOM AS NEW RELIGION FREEDOM AS NEW RELIGION Census campaign 2021 If 360k entered 'Jedi' in 2001 (mostly as a joke) then surely in time of international tyranny we can break the 250k mark and get our voices heard? FREEDOM AS NEW RELIGION LETTER TEMPLATES LETTER TEMPLATES Campaigning via letters Multiple letter templates to use or adapt LETTER TEMPLATES 3 DAYS OF SPRING EQUINOX 21 3 DAYS OF SPRING EQUINOX 21 Powerful days to create change MASS MEDITATION The power of peace-creating mass meditation to decrease warfare and terrorism has been tested repeatedly. 3 DAYS OF SPRING EQUINOX 21 MRI WARNING MRI WARNING We believe MRI scans are causing serious injuries including paralysis in Covid-19 vaccinated patients. Patients are showing clear signs of having magnetised particles within them post-vaccination. MRI WARNING CALL TO UK PARLIAMENT CALL TO UK PARLIAMENT Application for a government petition Calling for a debate in parliament CALL TO UK PARLIAMENT LEGAL - REPORT V-DAMAGE LEGAL - REPORT V-DAMAGE Witness statement for Police investigation The hypothesis is that magnetised lipid nanoparticles within the patient migrate under the huge magnetic fields used within an MRI causing damage on a nanoscale equivalent to multiple shrapnel wounds. LEGAL - REPORT V-DAMAGE ADVERSE EVENT REPORTING ADVERSE EVENT REPORTING Vaccine-induced magnetism is a serious issue If you have suffered an adverse reaction like MAGNETISM it is very important to report the situation so that experts have the data required for pattern recognition and to understand the risks involved. ADVERSE EVENT REPORTING
336cf4eb-4535-4ee0-9c13-b552b5dc161e MAGNETISM
- Template Letter : Letter to employer requesting vaccine data from staff
Miri AF is a site that brings various pieces of writing; letters, articles, commentaries and campaigns together. Their speciality is strongly worded letters. You can download their letter here: < Back Template Letter : Letter to employer requesting vaccine data from staff Miri AF is a site that brings various pieces of writing; letters, articles, commentaries and campaigns together. Their speciality is strongly worded letters. You can download their letter here: Download the Document Source: https://miriaf.co.uk/letter-to-employers-re-requesting-vaccine-data-from-staff/ Previous Next
- RED LIGHT CODE | Not On The Beeb
12% Discount code: NOTB23 RED LIGHT SHOP image image image image 1/6 RED LIGHT SHOP
- MAGNETISM | Not On The Beeb
Not On The Beeb is what the BBC missed. Alternative news and documentary film specialising in covering the world's protest and freedom movement. URGENT Since the start of time, no plant, animal or human has ever been magnetic. Since the vaccination rollout, people are now showing clear and proven magnetic properties. We are now seeing undisclosed ingredients under the microscope. This crime against humanity is of immeasurable proportions. WE ARE CALLING FOR AN URGENT INVESTIGATION SIGN PETITION Dr T calls on all health professionals internationally to take immediate action Unsure about magnetism? See our films on vaccine-induced magnetism here: VISIT WEBSITE PRIVACY POLICY
- SURVEY | Not On The Beeb
C19 Vaccine Feedback Survey In these times of Pandemic, when the emergency situation has caused medical products to be released at 'warp speed', gathering data and personal stories are crucial for clarity as we go forwards. This is an independent survey for 'Not On The Beeb ' without any connections to Government, NHS, industry or manufacturers. The data will be kept secure. You can remain anonymous, or let us know if you would like further follow up, Our privacy policy is here: Survey Privacy Policy If you have any questions, queries, or would just like to say hello, please feel free to contact me directly. On completion of the survey, you have the option to receive an email that contains information and links that we hope you find of interest and use. Start survey
- JOIN | Not On The Beeb
Not everyone can see what we see. We need to keep in touch. JOIN 'THE NOT ON THE BEEB' 25,000+ people strong MAILING LIST For stuff the BBC forgot... Subscribe
- REPORT V-INJURY (dual) | Not On The Beeb
Adverse event reporting The C19 vaccines are still in stage three trials and are under a black triangle status. If you have suffered any form of adverse reaction INCLUDING MAGNETISM it is very important to report the situation so that experts have the data required for pattern recognition and to understand the risks involved. UK MHRA Yellow card system US VAERS system Independent Survey Backed by several doctors groups we are running two independent surveys to record adverse events. The first is for general adverse events, from headaches, all the way through to fatalities. The second is a quick-fire survey for those suffering magnetism REPORT ADVERSE EVENTS/DEATH REPORT MAGNETISM