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This is the only truly full-spectrum, fortified organic turmeric extract available. It's mycellized for optimal absorption, so that you can gain the healthy joint and inflammation response you need.





(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

The naturally occurring and potent ginger flavonoids are responsible for ginger's powerful health benefits for the stomach, intestines and joint system. Our ginger is supercritically extracted and thus is free of alcohol and any other chemicals.



(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

No corruption by genetically modified plants or poisonous pesticides. Original wild, high-mountain P73 oregano with the power of photonic energy, of mountain rocks and sun. Contains the flavonoid quercitin as well as the key minerals calcium and magnesium



(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

Made exclusively from the wild-growing spice thriving without farming or cultivation, free of all pesticides and herbicides. Source of turmerones and polysaccharides, boosting immunity.

Turmeric Power Plus Oil

  • This is the only truly full-spectrum, fortified organic turmeric extract available. It’s mycellized for optimal absorption, so that you can gain the healthy joint and inflammation response you need. Because it is a liquid, this is the ideal turmeric complex for people with difficult absorption, including the elderly and those with digestive disorders. The Power Plus Oil is also ideal for children and pets.

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