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Based on a special blend of essential and spice oils plus entirely natural, whole food conditioner ingredients ScalpClenz feels great on and the results are equally great: for also softer, silkier hair. This is a hair and scalp support system, along with the shampoo and rubbing oil.





(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

No corruption by genetically modified plants or poisonous pesticides. Original wild, high-mountain P73 oregano with the power of photonic energy, of mountain rocks and sun. Contains the flavonoid quercitin as well as the key minerals calcium and magnesium


Wild Berries

(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

Wild berries are powerhouses for supporting a healthy overall cellular health response and also a healthy detoxification response. To make the extracts each berry must be sourced in the wild and carefully handpicked and then extracted. The extracts support a healthy digestion, immune system, kidney cleansing response, and intracellular detox.

ScalpClenz Conditioner

  • Based on a special blend of essential and spice oils plus entirely natural, whole food conditioner ingredients ScalpClenz feels great on and the results are equally great: for also softer, silkier hair. This is a hair and scalp support system, along with the shampoo and rubbing oil. This is the cleanest, purest essential oil-based hair conditioner available, absolutely chemical-free.

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