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Everyone knows that raspberries, rich in ellagic acid and other key polyphenols, are good for health. RaspaMax is the world’s only combination of freeze-dried black raspberries plus organic red raspberry powder. It’s delicious and nutritious, so take advantage of it and add it to all your drinks and smoothies.





(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

Rich in health-giving ellagic acid and other key phytochemicals extracts of raspberry are truly health-giving. Use them to support a healthy cellular cleansing response and also healthy female hormone response. Plus, ellagic acid supports the health of the heart and circulatory system.

RaspaMax Powder

  • Everyone knows that raspberries, rich in ellagic acid and other key polyphenols, are good for health. RaspaMax is the world’s only combination of freeze-dried black raspberries plus organic red raspberry powder. These anthocyanin-rich components help support a healthy whole body hormonal response and also healthy digestion and detoxification. It’s delicious and nutritious, so take advantage of it and add it to all your drinks and smoothies.

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