Oreganol P73 cream is an exotic formula that is perfect for those who want a natural and chemical free alternative to commercial skin creams. Powered by wild Oreganol P73, the cream contains some of the most potent antioxidants known. Oreganol P73 Cream is the only natural moisturizer and is formulated with wild lavender oil in a base of propolis, pure essence of Canadian balsam, royal jelly, wild hypericum extract, wild myrtle oil, lanolin, pollen and Canadian wildflower raw honey. Oreganol P73 Cream is so pure it’s edible. Ideal for all skin types, Oreganol P73 Cream is designed for various topical applications offering soothing support for acne, mild-to-moderate dermatitis, eczema, cuts, bug bites, dry/chapped skin and sunburn. Like all of the North American P73 products it’s “Perfect for Daily Use.” ™
(see image of this ingredient within product photos)
North American Herb & Spice provides only wild lavender, both as the oil extract in an extra virgin olive oil base and the aromatic essence, made from the finest Mediterranean wild lavender found high in the mountains. All other lavender extracts are derived from farm-raised plants. Use wild lavender to support a healthy adrenal, nerve, and brain response.
(see image of this ingredient within product photos)
No corruption by genetically modified plants or poisonous pesticides. Original wild, high-mountain P73 oregano with the power of photonic energy, of mountain rocks and sun. Contains the flavonoid quercitin as well as the key minerals calcium and magnesium
Royal Jelly
(see image of this ingredient within product photos)
Provides a host of nutrients, including amino acids, hydroxy acids, collagen, albumin, Riboflavin (B2), Pyridoxine (B6), pantothenic acid (B5), and naturally occurring steroids. A wonderful source of B vitamins, amino acids, fatty acids, steroids, and phospholipids, all of which are essential for nourishment.
Oreganol P73 Cream
Oreganol P73 cream is an exotic formula that is perfect for those who want a natural and chemical free alternative to commercial skin creams. Powered by wild Oreganol P73, the cream contains some of the most potent antioxidants known. Oreganol P73 Cream is the only natural moisturizer and is formulated with wild lavender oil in a base of propolis, pure essence of Canadian balsam, royal jelly, wild hypericum extract, wild myrtle oil, lanolin, pollen and Canadian wildflower raw honey. Many commercial skin creams contain a variety of harsh chemicals that can be absorbed into the body, which is why it’s so important to avoid putting anything on your skin that you would not eat. Oreganol P73 Cream is so pure it’s edible. Ideal for all skin types, Oreganol P73 Cream is designed for various topical applications offering soothing support for acne, mild-to-moderate dermatitis, eczema, cuts, bug bites, dry/chapped skin and sunburn. Like all of the North American P73 products it’s “Perfect for Daily Use.” ™