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Organic Oil of Wild Bay Leaf is handpicked in pristine, and unpolluted remote regions of the Mediterranean mountains. Steam distilled, it can be taken orally or rubbed topically on mucous membranes as well as into the scalp. Ideal for naturally supporting the health of the skin and hair.




Bay Leaf

(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

Wild bay leaf is a powerful natural herb, particularly the extracted oil. It is a key component of the health- and immune-supporting supplements, OregaBiotic and Fung-E-Clenz. Bay leaf extract also helps support a healthy liver and intestinal function, supporting the production of the protective enzyme, glutathione peroxidase and bile for healthy digestion.


Extra Virgin Olive Oil

(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

There are countless benefits from the regular intake of high-quality extra virgin olive oil, including:

  • major support for cardiovascular health
  • supports a healthy digestion
  • liver and gallbladder health.
  • skin and hair health

Oil of Wild Bay Leaf

  • Organic Oil of Wild Bay Leaf is handpicked in pristine, and unpolluted remote regions of the Mediterranean mountains. Steam distilled, it can be taken orally or rubbed topically on mucous membranes as well as into the scalp. Ideal for naturally supporting the health of the skin and hair.

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