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The village people also make Grape-e-Power in the old-fashioned way by boiling down over many hours thousands of pounds of red and green grapes. All the power is trapped within, so use it for your better health.





(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

Natural source of ellagic acid, biologically active resveratrol, various other polyphenols, calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and potassium. An excellent source of blood-building iron and naturally occurring chromium in a biologically available form.


  • The village people make Grape-e-Power in the old-fashioned way by boiling down over many hours thousands of pounds of red and green grapes. All the power is trapped within, so use it for your better health. This is a natural, whole food source of resveratrol, trace minerals, and ellagic acid plus various flavonoids. It’s all in the natural balance from the concentrated Mediterranean grapes.

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