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This is the only cold-pressed garlic oil available, remote-source from the mountainous regions of the wild Mediterranean.




Extra Virgin Olive Oil

(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

There are countless benefits from the regular intake of high-quality extra virgin olive oil, including:

  • major support for cardiovascular health
  • supports a healthy digestion
  • liver and gallbladder health.
  • skin and hair health



(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

There are many ways to benefit from garlic: raw, the whole food powder, extracted oils, and fermented. Cold-pressed garlic is rare and is a gentle but potent whole food form. Take advantage of it in every way for your better health and to support a healthy cardiovascular and immune system plus more.


  • This is the only cold-pressed garlic oil available, remote-source from the mountainous regions of the wild Mediterranean. All other garlic extracts are extensively processed. With Garlex, you get the truly whole food form. May be added to food at the end of cooking such as soup and stir-fry. May also be added over cheese.

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