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Highly potent, this is the true remote-source, mountain-grown fennel from the genetic source: Anatolia. Use it to support a healthy whole intestinal response and also a healthy female hormonal response.




Extra Virgin Olive Oil

(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

There are countless benefits from the regular intake of high-quality extra virgin olive oil, including:

  • major support for cardiovascular health
  • supports a healthy digestion
  • liver and gallbladder health.
  • skin and hair health



(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

  • Powerful complex for supporting overall digestive health
  • Potency for hormonal health, especially for balancing estrogen
  • Supports breast health
  • Supports a healthy digestive response for irritation, spasticity and relieves excessive gas and intestinal cramping


  • Highly potent, this is the true remote-source, mountain-grown fennel from the genetic source: Anatolia. Use it to support a healthy whole intestinal response and also a healthy female hormonal response. This is the most potent, aromatic fennel seed oil available. In a major way its intake supports a natural calming of the stomach and intestinal function, also helping in the easing of irritability and gas build-up. Contains 172 servings.

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