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Known in the Mediterranean as "white coffee" Essence of Neroli Orange helps your relax. Take it in hot water as a night-cap. Known to support a healthy detoxification, especially for liver support, it also supports a healthy whole body neurological response where there is a need for extra-calm.




Neroli Orange

(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

Known in the Mediterranean for its mood-balancing actions it is now known that neroli orange also helps support healthy metabolism and weight loss. Neroli orange also supports healthy digestion, especially aiding a healthy liver and detox response.

Essence of Neroli Orange

  • Known in the Mediterranean as “white coffee,” Essence of Neroli Orange helps you relax. We suggest you take it in hot water as a night-cap. Known to support a healthy detoxification, especially for liver support, it also supports a healthy whole body neurological response where there is a need for extra-calm. Essence of Neroli Orange is also a major aid for healthy weight loss, especially when used in hot water as an evening tea.

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