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Cuminol is cumin oil extracted from primitively grown cumini on rocky, mountain soil. This cumin oil supports a healthy digestive, liver, gallbladder, and blood sugar response.





(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

Both cumin spice oil and the ground whole spice are highly potent for supporting overall health. Cumin is rich in rare trace minerals, like bismuth, gold, iridium, and platinum, which support a healthy overall cellular response. This includes a healthy pancreatic and liver response and thus healthy support for the blood sugar mechanism. Oil of cumin is a germicide and also has significant anti-mold and anti-fungal properties. Cumin also supports the health of the brain and nervous system, acting as a preventive against cognitive decline.


  • Cuminol is the most potent cumin seed oil available. Use it to support blood sugar health and also to support a healthy digestion, gallbladder response, and liver health. Cumin is rich in specialized compounds, known as phenolic compounds, notably cumiinaldehyde, which acts as a natural insulin-like agent. Also, use it to support a healthy overall immune response.

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