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CeylonPower tea is a combination of wild, raw Ceylon cinnamon plus wild, raw Ceylon ginger. Because its wild and remote-grown, it is maximum strength. Use it to support blood sugar health, inflammation, support, immune support, fat metabolism, and far more.  Drink your CeylonPower tea every day. CURRENTLY OUT OF STOCK





(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

Cinnamon is extremely healthy for the body. Ideal forms include the whole, ground cinnamon bark, along with the supercritical whole food extract. The whole, ground bark, from the finest Ceylon cinnamon, is a healthy addition to turmeric for a Golden Milk beverage. Cinnamon, whether the oil extract or bark, helps support a healthy cognitive and digestive function, especially a healthy pancreatic function for supporting a healthy diabetic response.



(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

The naturally occurring and potent ginger flavonoids are responsible for ginger's powerful health benefits for the stomach, intestines and joint system. Our ginger is supercritically extracted and thus is free of alcohol and any other chemicals.

CeylonPower Tea

  • CeylonPower tea is a combination of wild, raw Ceylon cinnamon plus wild, raw Ceylon ginger. Because its wild and remote-grown, it is maximum strength. Use it to support blood sugar health, inflammation, support, immune support, fat metabolism, and far more.  Drink your CeylonPower tea every day.

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