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AshwaMilk is the only ashwaghanda 10:1 potent extract powder available as a ready-to-make beverage. Use it to give the power and strength you need, every day.




Ashwagandha Root

(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

Ashwaganda Root supports healthy adrenal gland function, encouraging overall cell energy, stamina and physical strength. Concentrated resin extract, not just ground up roots, are used to boost energy, creating a healthy anti-stress response.


Yacon Root

(see image of this ingredient within product photos)

As a prebiotic Peruvian yacon root and its extracts support a healthy digestive response and also healthy intestinal function. It also supports a healthy immune system health, healthy immunity and healthy blood sugar response. Though a natural sweetner it is reported to assist a healthy weight loss response, because of its zero glycemic index, it is also a natural source of inulin and FOS. A natural, whole food potassium source.


  • AshwaMilk is power-packed with a 10:1 ashwaghanda root extract. AshwaMilk is incredibly pure due to our water-only extraction process. Plus, it’s organic so only the root is used. In a base of organic Jerusalem artichoke and yacon powder, use this as a powerful milk or tea infusion to support: a healthy mood, male potency, and adrenal gland response.

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