The People's Vaccine Inquiry held a press conference in London today 4th Feb 2025 to comment on failures and unanswered questions in the recent Module 4 hearings.
PVI members, Dr Clare Craig and Dr Liz Evans joined Dan Wootton to discuss the truth about the immoral Covid vaccine and its rollout that the legacy media, health establishment and deep state have covered up, followed by a beginner’s guide to the key questions that need to be answered.
This is a brief summary of then hearing.
Claire Craig:
Claire mentioned during the official inquiry that side effects had been referred to as 'rare' 134 times.
Answering a question on the drop in fertility, she said the signals were hard to read due to multiple complicating factors but noted that the drop seemed to be caused by abortions that seemed to be linked to 'detected abnormalities' in the fetus.
Nick Hunt:
Nick Hunt, an ex-military safety officer, heavily criticized the MHRA's safety protocols. He pointed out that a new missile, which is relatively simple compared to a medical product, needs 5 years of safety testing.
He pointed out that the MHRA takes on average 11 years to withdraw a dangerous medicine and questioned how many more people were injured during this lengthy and faulty process.
He highlighted that unlike all other product testing, the MHRA safety protocols are comparative, comparing one similar product with another. He noted that since it might take 11 years for a drug to be withdrawn, the safety data became hard-baked into that record, meaning as new drugs are compared to old faulty ones, the level of standard will inevitably drop.
He questioned why the MHRA (unlike other safety bodies) is never audited, so effectively they are 'allowed to mark their own homework'.
Mr. James Royle, colorectal surgeon:
Dr. James Royle confirmed CT scans finding clots and a surge in pancreatic necrosis caused by boosters.
Professor Angus Dalgleish - Oncologist:
Cancer expert Angus Dalgleish pointed out that since the coronavirus mutated into new variants per 3-month cycle, a vaccine that takes 6 months was pointless. He reminded the
audience of the vaccine adage: "If someone needs a booster, the vaccine didn't work."
He said he had multiple cancer patients in stable remission who had taken the C19 jabs and had witnessed their cancer rebound.
Dr. Dean Patterson, cardiologist
Dr Patterson screened a heartbreaking video testimonial from a 20-year-old suffering from C19 vaccine-induced myocarditis.
He theorised how microclots presented as myocarditis in the young, but in older patients with narrowing of vessels, the same microclots would compound the issue and present as myocardial infarction, i.e. heart attacks.
During the Q&A, the questions were mostly around "how could it all have happened?"
Claire Craig replied to one question about the appalling use of maths by leading political figures by saying, "At school, children are divided by those who are good at math and science and those who are good with words."
She added that the first get locked away in science labs whilst the latter end up talking to the public.
Liz Evans duly added that doctors are not scientists and don't read studies, and if they do, will rarely dig deeper than the summaries.
A Scottish professor from the audience tried to ask about "intent to injure" but was reminded the public inquiry needed to stick to hard-baked facts.
(The irony of forced self-censorship in the hope of being heard by the perpetrators caused a few deep breaths.;'.)
Referring to the Pfizer trial papers, I asked the panel's thoughts on the possibility of shedding.
Dr. Craig said there was no known way a lipid nanoparticle designed to enter a cell could then leave that cell and jump to another being.
I asked about the possibility of contaminants that had not been listed on the vaccine ingredients causing shedding.
Dr. Liz Evans suggested the source of such reports of symptoms spreading could simply be the spike protein being mass-produced by the young & healthy post-jab.
The inquiry rounded off by concluding that we had learned yet again that any government that used the term "for the greater good" was tyrannical by nature and design.
Summary: The people's inquiry summarised how the expert witnesses were kept quiet.
The public inquiry was an obvious whitewash.
Nothing new was presented in the The People's Vaccine Inquiry.
The experts spoke pure common sense grounded in sound scientific principles.
They would not veer from this framework that has guided their professional existence.
It was sad to see and hear such good and talented beings trying to do their jobs in the face of such adversity and propaganda. Where the doctrine "trust the science' had been corrupted and used in the most coercive and dishonest way to usher a multitude of trusting people closer to their demise, making a mockery of all these expert witnesses have trained and worked their lives towards.
Of course, as to be expected, no MSM journalists attended, even though all the major outlets had been invited.
I bumped into Andrew Bridgen and asked if he had anything to report back about the NOTB petition that so many of you reading this had signed.
I'd handed him during his presentations to parliament.
He hadn't presented the petition at any point and had later not responded to my gentle WhatsApp app reminders.
He simply replied, "I'm no longer an MP, so what can I do?"
Just like many are concerning the government's inquiry, I'm left wondering what really happened behind the scenes, and more to the point - who has been whipping who...?
The People's Vaccine Inquiry
