Do you keep poultry?
Inspect the Inspectors!
Keep this form at hand in case an inspector visits.
Apparently, for some reason, few seem willing to fill it in and leave...
Chris sent in this form saying, "....please see attached file, it is only 2 small pages which if given to any inspector will stop them in their tracks 'before' they enter your property. It has helped a few friends of mine so if you have any livestock farmers you know of it is imperative they have this information.."

Be prepared to protect your chickens!
1 - Share this link with the downloadable form to all your friends with poultry:
2 - Print and give the forms to farmers selling eggs at your local farmer's market
3 - Copy paste and share this call-out on various social media.

Thank you very much for this - excellent!
I don't own poultry myself but have several neighbours who do keep chickens and ducks etc. and so will make sure they get copies of the form.
Please keep up the good work.
Hello! And thank you for this post. I am spanish and the same is happening here, how casual!!! ;)
I would like to know if this file would be/have the same effect as protecting our poultry and egg production here. I guess it would but just wondering. Thank you very much!