Moderna Vaccine Injury reports have raised by 8% on last month. Last month I called the 4.5% rise significant. 8% is astounding.
This is Not On The Beeb's 71st report translating the complex UK vaccine surveillance report by the MHRA.
The stats are collated up to the 26th of October but are released to the public a week later, so in this case on the 3rd of November.
It then takes the NOTB contributors a further few days to sift through and publish our report.
TOTAL DATA for 1st & 2nd & 3rd doses
Pfizer 83.2m
AZ 49.16 m
Moderna 12.7 m
1st doses = 53,813,490 (all brands)
2nd doses = 50,762,968
Boosters = 40,373,987 (30.9m Pfizer, 59,000 AZ, 9.4m Moderna)
TOTAL = 144,950,445 doses EXCLUDING the autumn booster programme
Autumn Booster Programme = 11,257,434 (England only - over 50s)
Adverse event report figures below INCLUDE both mono- and bivalent COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
Here is the breakdown of the most recent report with comments and observations on the data below
This is the number of people who filled out an adverse reaction with the Yellow Card system
As mentioned above, this is NOT the real number of people who had reactions, as the majority go unreported
Reports i.e. how many people have reported injury or death
175,426 Pfizer
246,638 AZ
45,946 Moderna (ALERT: +8% in the last month, a significant increase 42,436 to 45,946)
68 Novavax
TOTAL = 464,072 incl. bivalent vaccines (an increase of 5951 or 1.28% over 5 weeks)
Overall 1-in-114 people injected experience a Yellow Card Adverse Event, which may be less than 10% of actual figures according to MHRA.
Is the 1 in 114 stat for adverse events accurate?
Due to the poor training of health professionals, very few will correctly attribute real vaccine adverse events to the vaccine.
Even when health professionals do recognise a link between the injuries and the vaccines, they are often discouraged from filling in the reports, or simply don't have the time. (I have had doctors tell me this personally)
It is estimated by official government bodies that under 1 - 10% of adverse events are reported. (This stat existed before C19)
This means the real stat is more likely under 1 in 11
Pfizer 844
AZ 1,327
Moderna 104 (26% rise on last month's figures. A huge increase from 82 to 104)
Unknown 55
TOTAL = 2,330
Blood Disorders - 17,428 (Pfizer) + 7915 (AZ) + 2811 (Moderna) + 74 (Unknown) = 28,228
Anaphylaxis - 683 (Pfizer) + 888 (AZ) + 101 (Moderna) + 1 (N) + 3 (Unknown) = 1676
Acute Cardiac - 14,028 (Pfizer) + 11,762 (AZ) + 4046 (Moderna) + 5 (N) + 142 (Unknown) = 29,983
Pericarditis/Myocarditis - 1413 (Pfizer) + 470 (AZ) + 391 (Moderna) + 1 (N) + 9 (Unknown) = 2284
Eye Disorders - 8343 (Pfizer) + 15,080 (AZ) + 1894 (Moderna) + 104 (Unknown) = 25,421
Blindness - 179 (Pfizer) + 330 (AZ) + 46 (Moderna) + 4 (Unknown) = 559
Deafness - 324 (Pfizer) + 446 (AZ) + 65 (Moderna) + 6 (Unknown) = 841
Infections - 13,361 (Pfizer) + 20,871 (AZ) + 3034 (Moderna) + 4 (N) + 241 (Unknown) = 37,511
Spontaneous Abortions - 504 + 17 stillbirths/foetal deaths (Pfizer) + 239 + 5 stillbirths (AZ) + 72 + 1 stillbirth (Moderna) + 8 (Unknown) = 823 miscarriages
Nausea & Vomiting - 21,345 (Pfizer) + 45,661 (AZ) + 7994 (Moderna) + 2 (N) + 243 (Unknown) = 75,245
Headaches & Migraines - 36,529 (Pfizer) + 94,234 (AZ) + 11,297 (Moderna) + 2 (N) + 276 (Unknown) = 142,338
Nervous System Disorders - 83,688 (Pfizer) + 184,069 (AZ) + 24,317 (Moderna) + 12 (N) + 1026 (Unknown) = 293,112
Paralysis - 543 (Pfizer) + 913 (AZ) + 142 (Moderna) + 13 (Unknown) = 1611
Seizures - 1189 (Pfizer) + 2113 (AZ) + 332 (Moderna) + 30 (Unknown) = 3664
Strokes and CNS haemorrhages - 858 (Pfizer) + 2420 (AZ) + 100 (Moderna) + 1 (N) + 25 (Unknown) = 3404
Tremor - 2294 (Pfizer) + 10,010 (AZ) + 897 (Moderna) + 53 (Unknown) = 13,254
Respiratory Disorders - 22,700 (Pfizer) + 30,171 (AZ) + 5415 (Moderna) + 1 (N) + 251 (Unknown) = 58,538
Psychiatric Disorders - 10,650 (Pfizer) + 18,657 (AZ) + 2955 (Moderna) + 1 (N) + 149 (Unknown) = 32,412
Skin Disorders - 35,431 (Pfizer) + 53,783 (AZ) + 14,809 (Moderna) + 7 (N) + 439 (Unknown) = 104,469
Reproductive/Breast Disorders - 31,714 (Pfizer) + 20,985 (AZ) + 5400 (Moderna) + 1 (N) + 250 (Unknown) = 58,350
Vertigo & Tinnitus - 4356 (Pfizer) + 6923 (AZ) + 896 (Moderna) + 52 (Unknown) = 12,227
Suspected side effects reported in individuals under 18yrs old
• Pfizer - 4,200,000 children (1st doses) + 3,000,000 (2nd doses) + 200,000 boosters resulting in 4170 Yellow Cards
• AZ - 11,500 children (1st doses) + 8.700 (2nd doses) + ‘extremely limited boosters’ resulting in 267 Yellow Cards (reporting rate 1-in-43)
• Moderna - 2200 children (1st doses) + 2200 (2nd doses) + 2400 boosters resulting in 38 Yellow cards
• Brand Unspecified - 36 Yellow Cards
Total = 4,213,700 children injected (under 18s)
Total doses (1st, 2nd & boosters) = 7,427,000
Total Yellow Cards Under 18s = 4511
For full reports including 384 pages of specific reaction listings -

If you are a UK citizen and have suffered any form of adverse reaction, please fill in a witness statement.
This is for the ongoing case being presented by Philip Hyland, Lois Bayliss, Mark Sexton, Dr Samuel White and team.
Please note this is NOT for financial compensation but for an injunction to pause the rollout, whilst safety is established and investigated.
The C19 vaccines are still in stage three trials and are under a black triangle status.
A petition requesting an urgent investigation and analysis of the C19 Vaccines
The people of Britain and the world need answers and request the British police immediately seize multiple random samples of the various vaccines and conduct an open public independent detailed analysis of the contents. NOTE>>> If you are a nurse, doctor, health professional, scientist, or have relevant qualifications, please sign the Expert's petition 1 - Why are so many people suffering adverse events and death after COVID-19 vaccinations? 2 - Why are so many of our fittest sportspeople collapsing and suffering myocarditis, heart attacks and death post-vaccination? 3 - Why have the vaccine manufacturers withheld ingredients? Undisclosed ingredients are illegal and involve the deception of the public 4 - Why have independent scientific reports of Graphene Oxide and other contaminants not been publicly investigated? 5 - Why are the batches of the vaccine clearly different? As per VAERS data, 100% of all adverse reactions can be attributed to 5% of the batches. This clearly indicates suspect manufacturing. 6- With all these doubts concerning safety, why is the vaccine rollout continuing in British schools?