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[biːb] N the Beeb (Brit) → BBC, the British Broadcasting Corporation → affectionately nicknamed in the UK as 'The Beeb' or 'Auntie Beeb'


The BBC has not been publishing important information and news.
The public needs this information for their safety and well-being.
The majority of the public gets their information and makes decisions based on trusted news providers.
The British not only expect the whole unbiased truth from the BBC, but they paid for this service via the licence fee.
The BBC has broken the public's trust resulting in a crash in licence fees
Accepting funds from foreign interest groups
neutralises the BBC's 'impartiality'.  
Publishing fake news that results in harm of the British public is a crime
Missing out key information is deception
Broadcasting heavily biased so-called fact-checking programmes is propaganda
Silencing good BBC journalists struggling to maintain basic journalistic principles within the organisation they have dedicated themselves to, means the BBC as an entity is unfit for purpose.

This website features some of the stuff the BBC forgot...

Not On The Beeb has the honour of being archived by the British Library.
You can support our work here

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The best supplements
Mamma Nature provides

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Dr Klinghardt on WIFI

Disturbing & emotional short film

The BBC has self-censored C19 vaccine injury, deceiving the UK public.
The British public paid the BBC licence fee for what they believed to be legendary balanced and fair information.
This failure has rendered the UK public unable to make informed decisions resulting in more deaths and injury.

- This short film is made from the testimonies that the injured shared on social media trying to raise awareness of their plight.
- The 5-minute film serves to inspire deeper research into official injury data by the viewer. 

Why is the BBC silent on v-injury?

The BBC do not report on the true nature of vaccine injury.
We suspect they are complicit in blacking out critical news under government D-notices.
Time will tell and history will judge and never forget the perpetrators.

Louise Fisher decided to get some vital information out via Not On The Beeb to the public reporting outside the BBC on Vaccine Injury Awareness Day 3rd June 2021
This short film is dedicated to the loving memory of Sarah Fisher who in this film talks about losing her son (and Louise's brother) to the MMR vaccine. 

Eric Clapton not only backed the vigil personally, he let us use his music for this video.

UPDATE July 2022 - this June 2021 video has just been banned on Youtube - Why now?

Rowan Atkinson on free speech

Genocide & Transhumanism

Genocide. Watch. Think. Act.
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The world's best supplements 


News, Interviews & comment

What is a Red Light Device?


* Fight skin ageing, wrinkles, and cellulite and look 10 years younger

* Lose fat (nearly twice as with diet and exercise alone)

* Rid your body of chronic inflammation

* Fight the oxidative damage that drives ageing

* Increase strength, endurance, and muscle mass

* Decrease pain

* Combat hair loss

* Build resilience to stress at the cellular level

* Speed up wound/injury healing

* Combat some autoimmune conditions and improve hormonal health

* Optimize your brain function and mood

* Overcome fatigue and improve energy levels


The claimed healing effects of red light are far-ranging.

Vaccine-Induced Magnetism

Not On The Beeb fact-checks the fact-checkers.
When 'internationally renowned' fact-checkers and media outlets including Reuters and The BBC jumped upon the social media videos of vaccine-induced magnetism calling it an internet hoax, I jumped on a train to find out the truth for myself...

Some things are hard to prove.
Some things are easy to prove.

Petition: Pause the Vaccine Roll-out

We are calling for an injunction to pause the vaccine rollout  due to the questions below.

1  - Why are so many people suffering adverse events and death after COVID-19 vaccinations?

2 - Why are so many of our fittest sportspeople collapsing and suffering myocarditis, heart attacks and death post-vaccination?

3 - Why have the vaccine manufacturers withheld ingredients? Undisclosed ingredients are illegal and involve the deception of the public

4 - Why have independent scientific reports of Graphene Oxide and other contaminants not been publically investigated?

5 - Why are the batches of the vaccine clearly different? As per VAERS data, 90% of all adverse reactions can be attributed to 5% of the batches. This clearly indicates suspect manufacturing

Would you like to help in the push to pause the rollout?

If so, chose from one of these two petitions

Sports Collapses & Deaths

Nigella Sativa - Black Seed Oil

Black seed oil, also known as black cumin seed oil, is a powerful and versatile natural remedy. Extracted from the seeds of the Nigella sativa plant, it has been used for centuries in traditional medicine for its numerous health benefits.

The Prophet Muhammad is quoted in the Koran as saying, "Use the black seed for indeed, it is a cure for all diseases except death."


This oil is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties.

It has been shown to support a healthy immune system, promote healthy skin, and aid in digestive health. Additionally, black seed oil has been used to help manage conditions such as asthma, allergies, and high blood pressure.

Black seed oil is a natural remedy that people use to treat a wide range of conditions, including:

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North American herb & Spice

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Not On The Beeb 

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